About the show
“From A Distance” is a musical revue made up of songs that, in the musical from which they originated, were mostly sung from fire escapes, rooftops, castle towers, high rocks, “the heavens”, balconies, a stage, or “somewhere out there” in the universe among the stars.As the songs were amassed themes started to develop and we find ourselves mostly in the city and stuck in fairy tales and the mythology of long ago.Some of the songs are declarations that everything will be alright, dream your dream, and that uplifting message that says no matter what, life will go on. Everyone seems to be building a brave life and looking for, or finding love.To me it echos the very real pandemic messages of this past year and a half which have been primarily, even while maintaining a safe distance somehow find a way and whatever happens, don’t give up hope; we will come out of this alright.Janet
Video on Demand: Jan. 12 – 24
The Production Team
Janet Ness - Director
Chris Ness - Music Director
Pam McIsaac - Choreographer
Noah Hollingshead - Head of Audio/Filming and Post Production Editing
Carley Beattie - Stage Manager
BrendaThompson - Costumer
Andree Day - Co-Producer
Julie Underhill - Co-Producer
The Cast
Brynnley Peterson
Cadie Miller
Camden Cryderman
Carley Beattie
Charlene Day
Christopher Delenardo
Ella Hamilton
Elsha Tiermersma