Jan 28, 2013 – Kempenfelt Community Players are excited to bring you the utterly silly Tony and Grammy award winning <a href=”https://www.kempenfeltplayers.com/shows/2013/spamalot”>Spamalot</a>, Eric Idle’s stage version of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Spamalot, showing at Barrie’s <a href=”http://www.barrie.ca/Culture/Theatres/Pages/GeorgianTheatre.aspx”>Georgian Theatre</a> February 8 – 17, 2013, is a spoofy and silly treat for all Monty Python fans in this area. Expect absurdity, dignified and ridiculous kings and leaders, coconut-clopping hoofbeats, roundtable knights and a rousing musical score.

<h5>Media are invited to attend a full cast rehearsal for photo opportunities and interviews with cast and production team.</h5>

<h5>WHAT</h5> MEDIA DAY – Spamalot Rehearsal
<h5>WHERE</h5> The SpotLight Event Centre
41 Essa Rd Main, Barrie, ON L4N 3K4
<h5>WHEN</h5> Thursday January 31, 2012
7:30 – 8:30 pm

Media Contacts
Jane Klementti

Meg Harmer

website: <a href=”https://www.kempenfeltplayers.com”>kempenfeltplayers.com</a>
twitter: <a href=”https://twitter.com/KCPtheatre”>@KCPtheatre</a>
Facebook: <a href=”http://www.facebook.com/kempenfeltcommunityplayers”>facebook.com/kempenfeltcommunityplayers</a>
YouTube: <a href=”http://www.youtube.com/user/KCPtheatre”>youtube.com/user/KCPtheatre</a>