AGM – Thurs. June 23rd
Location: Town and Country Steakhouse, 76 Dunlop St.
Time: 7pm
Kempenfelt Community Players – Notes about Membership and
Nominations for Board Elections

1. Membership: All participants who have paid their fees for the 2010-11 season are considered members and can vote on any motions at the AGM. Also, anyone who has volunteered 10 or more hours throughout the season can be considered a member for voting. If you are one of these volunteers, and intend to attend and vote, please ensure that your name is on the membership list. Contact Tiffany at by June 20th. If you know of someone who is not a KCP member but has an interest and skills to bring to the board, please notify a board member to discuss membership.

2. KCP Board: This governing group meets once a month (meetings are approx. 3 hours in length). They oversee the production teams for each show, co-ordinate reading committees to plan for next season, debrief with producers, submit grant proposals, work with other area Arts organizations, and many other interesting activities that keep KCP alive from year to year!
The KCP Board of directors consists of 9 elected members. All positions, except for Past Chairperson, come up for re-election each year. There is a definite need for new members on the board, especially for secretary and members at large. Any current member can run for the following positions:
Vice Chairperson
4 positions of Members at Large

3. Nominating a member: If you know of someone that would like to be nominated for a board position, please complete the form (remember to contact the person you are nominating!) Also, if YOU are interested in running for a position, please contact a member who would be willing to put your name forward. All members running for board positions will have an opportunity to speak to the membership at the AGM before voting will take place.