Auditions for Mary Poppins – Barrie 2015
Sign up for Ensemble Auditions!
Spots are still open for auditions this Friday & Saturday. This musical offers great performance work and opportunities for the ensemble cast. Ensemble people: “Mary Poppins” is a musical in the true sense of the word…a lot of musical numbers strung together by a story line with limited dialogue. While character portrayal (acting) is important, all the cast members selected will be expected to sing, hold a harmony line, and move comfortably in choreographed scenes.
For detailed information on auditions, rehearsal schedule and performance dates, please read the audition form. If you have further questions about getting involved and potential conflicts with schedule, please email the producer to determine opportunity to get involved.
To sign up for an audition, click this link and submit your form. Auditioning for lead adult and children roles and ensemble roles.
More Theatre Workshops in Barrie, 2015-16
Are you interested in learning more about preparing for post secondary auditions, adult acting classes, directing and play reading? Scott Hurst is running workshops this fall at The Melody in Me. For more information, call 705-728-7828, or read more at
Using a Microphone Workshop
Sun. Sept. 13th at the Mady (no charge)
Great opportunity for singers to review proper microphone and monitor use, and how to work with your technician! Sit in the audience and see 2 KCP singers with with Edwina Douglas and band, as they communicate a performance set up with workshop presenters/technicians.
2– 4pm Vocal performers interested in understanding proper use of microphones and how to work monitors and effectively work with their sound technicians will benefit greatly from this session. Registrants will view the process of singers working with technicians and band through setup with many opportunities to pose questions.
The demands and needs of working with a microphone in a musical
The proper setup of both headset and handheld microphones
Proper terminology and monitor setup required for performances
Q and A period
To register, please or call (705) 739-4299